Meet Senator Lindsey Port

I’m a mom, a wife, and a longtime resident of Burnsville. Ten years ago, my husband, Steve, and I chose this community as the place to plant our roots and raise our family. We have two wonderful daughters who attend our neighborhood public school, and my husband owns a small business in Burnsville. Prior to serving in the Minnesota Senate, I was the executive director of a non-profit organization that trains emerging leaders from across Minnesota to organize their communities and advocate for change.

I first became politically active in our district in 2012 as a volunteer in the effort to defeat the anti-marriage equality amendment. I fell in love with talking to voters, listening and hearing their stories, finding shared values, and seeing each other’s humanity. As I expanded my involvement to include advocacy at the state capitol, I soon came to appreciate the incredible power for positive change that exists when we have elected officials who care about, listen to, and engage with their constituents.

That is why I first ran for the Minnesota legislature. And, when I didn’t win the first time, I redoubled my efforts to meet and engage with the residents of my district and, in 2020, was elected to the Minnesota Senate.

I believed in a better way of leading: working alongside the people in our community. I is my honor and privilege to work hard everyday to find real, meaningful solutions to the challenges the residents of our district and our state face every day—building an economy that works for us all, protecting our rights from moneyed special interests, protecting our treasured natural resources, and ensuring the future is bright for our children.

I am ready to return to the Senate to fight for you and for what’s right—but I need your vote, and, once re-elected, I need your partnership. Together, we will work to build a better Minnesota for us all.